If you are new to Web 2.0 tools, this is a website to bookmark so that you can refer to it. This website is loaded with numerous resources for you to use. This was shared by Ced Paine from my diigo group called Web Tools by Teachers. Check out diigo as well as these awesome tools.
Web 2.0 tools This looks like a great tool for the classroom or school to use to publish their newsletters online. The examples look professional. Check it out!
Issuu is the place for online publications: Magazines, documents, and stuff you'd normally find on print. It's the place where you become the publisher. Upload a document, it's fast, easy, and totally free. Within seconds you'll have a super cool online magazine you can post anywhere on the web and share instantly with your friends.
I have increased my participation on Facebook and decrease my participation on Twitter. I really enjoyed using Twitter but I agree with Kathy Schrock that Twitter should be used to "post quick items of interest or respond with a short message to someone seeking help on a topic". I tend to use Twitter to inform not as my personal text messaging or email space. Here is what Kathy Schrock wrote:
During the past month or so, I have realized people are beginning to use Twitter as their main form of communication. I am a regular Twitter user and follower, but do not keep it open on my desktop all day. I use it how it is intended to be used-- to post quick items of interest or respond with a short message to someone seeking help on a topic. And I think carefully before I answer, to determine whether the response is only useful for the questioner (and DM the answer) or if others might also benefit from the answer (and reply with the @questioner). I try not to clutter up the list with responses that are meaningless to most others. That is part of the Twetiquette (Twitter etiquette).
(Addendum: I was not implying above that people should not post "meaningless" (read "fun") items to Twitter. What I was referring to is the practice of replying to a post via an @username on the list when the actual answer only makes sense to the person who asked the question. It often does not make sense when one sees only an answer.)
Google Apps for Education works the same way as Google Apps Premier, with a tad less online storage space per user. The wonderful things about it is that any user can limit any publication to just those who are on the domain, if they wish. We use this when we are publishing something for only district staff. In addition, users can always selectively choose outside users (like our students on the other domain) to see their Docs, Calendars, Sites, etc.
When you administer Google Apps for Education, you can chose to allow access (or dis-allow access) to the suite of tools -- Email, Calendar, Docs, Talk, Sites, Video, and Web Pages -- for all users. Google Groups and Blogger are not in the suite, but, of course may be easily used.
The use of these Google Apps has moved technology ahead rapidly in our district. Between shared calendars for school-based meetings to internal Google Sites acting as mini-Moodle packages, both teachers and students have made good use of the apps for communication, collaboration, and creation.
Have you tried Goggle Docs? The types of items that Google Docs allows you to make are documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and PDF files. These have been very useful tools. For example, I wanted to email my family addresses that were typed in a spreadsheet. I chose instead to make the spreadsheet into a PDF file. It was very easy and needed only a few minor adjustments. Have some fun and try it!
As I go through the process of moving and finding a new job. One of my goals is to keep this blog as a source of technology for the classroom by inserting items that are useful to the classroom teacher. For example:
You can see to the left of the screen how easy it is to use Picasa to add a slideshow to your blog.
You can use diigo or delicious as bookmarks
You can add photos or videos to posts
You can use Google Reader to share information found on the Web
You can use twitter to share text information
You can share personal information...For example:As many of you know, I am officially retired from District 130 in Blue Island, Illinois. As I start my retirement journey, I have been organizing my personal belongings by packing, packing, and packing. My husband and I plan to move sometime this summer. We have bought a house in Macon, Missouri. This is an exciting new adventure in our lives. We are moving to the country where we will be able to have a garden and just enjoy the country life. After the move, I plan to come out of retirement mode and into the teaching mode again.
You can use Blogs for informing and sharing information with others