Thursday, February 19, 2009


During the last school year, I was able to use to make a presentation on "how to add blog posts to my students' blogmeister blogs." Since the Class Blogmeister website was blocked at school and we could not log in, I made a short movie clip at home to use in the classroom so that I could instruct my students on the "how tos" regarding Classblogmeister. I also made the movie clip available online by linking it to Classblogmeister.  In this way, the students could find the file easily, use it at home, and made it possible for them to follow the tutorial and learn how to "log in" and "post to" their blogs. This was very successful.The movie clip was stored at

Another useful tool:
The above link is for a free software download called Jing. Jing allows to make a screencast while recording your voice and mouse movements. This is an excellent tool to use to make tutorials.  Once installed, you can work offline to make your screencasts. Your mouse movements are recorded along with your voice. The movie clips are no longer than 5 minutes.  

Summary: Jing allows you to take a picture of your screen, make a video of the onscreen action including voice, and you can share your screencast on the web, through instant messaging, and email.

Here is a tutorial on how to capture an image!

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